Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Two years ago I sat down and wrote out 100 dreams. I divided them up into 12 different catagories. Family related, health related, technology dreams, and some were life long adventures I would like to take, while some were simple dreams of upgrading technology I owned. Some of the items on my "DREAMS LIST" were things that would push me to be determined, work hard, and excel in areas I had not trained for. One of those dreams was to run a marathon. Don't ask me why I wrote that down. I must have been sleep deprived, or not paying attention. But I did, and it got me pumped up to stay healthy. This year, I devoted my time to training and running. Well, my work has paid off I have been officially accepted into the New York City Marathon. That is right 26.2 miles. I have not run a marathon ever, and the last time I ran competitively I was in 6th grade, winning a 100 meter dash. I have remained active in other sports, and have started training for longer runs. I am excited to be running with my bro-in-law Bryan, and on a team for Sanctuary for Families. This is a non-profit shelter for batter and abused women and children. I have teamed with them to run for them and raise support for their ministry. So, if you happen to be driving through Olympia and you see a flash of white lightning, it is not me, for I have learned a marathon is about pace not speed, kind of like the rest of the dreams I hope to accomplish and have put before me.