Wednesday, May 18, 2011


There have been a few times in life when I wanted to give up. I remember the time my high school basketball team was down by 20, and our coach pulled the guys who were screwing around on the court-because they had given up. I've always had the never give up mentality. I mean really, if I would have taken my last girlfriend's first response when I asked her out, I would not have the wife I have today. I didn't give up, and eventually she said yes. In life you can become discouraged for whatever reason. Life happens and so does encouragement. In Hebrews 10:32 this is a verse written to Christ followers who were discouraged, and by this they were ready to throw in their faith. They had been waiting a long time for God to reveal Himself. This verse in Hebrews uses the word "illuminated". It is a Gk word photidzo, meaning lighten up, or to shine, to illuminate, to make visible, to radiate. Have you ever seen a brilliant light that left an impression, this is that thought here. Like a photograph, these followers were to hold time and remember when they first heard God's Word and were illuminated. When God reveals truth to you, or the Holy Spirit shows you something powerful, it is the idea that it is a permanent impression.
If you are at a place and you feel you are going to give up, remember that time when you were first illuminated by God's Word. Look for the rewind button in your life right now, remember the power of God, the joy, the experiences you have had with the Lord. Let Him be an illumination of light during your darkest time. Then put that illumination into action so you will not forget what God has done in your life, so that others may see it through you. When you go back and rehearse these in your mind, it is a great way to encourage you, to stir you, and to give you power through your struggle. Don't let the enemy get a foothold of discouragement in your life. Let your light shine brilliantly even in the days when you feel like the lights are dimming.
Declare it right now! Never give up!