Thursday, June 30, 2011

JACKPOT leads to some marriage advice

This weekend we celebrate 12 years of marriage. OMG, I know, we look so young. Life has been pretty crazy the past 12 years. 4 moves, 3 kids, 2 jobs, 1 brain surgery, and life together is just starting to rock. I married way out of my league and every one knows it. Heck, I was just glad she said yes, because she played hard to get and just to date her was a challenge. I remember when I first was attracted to Jenelle, there was something different about her. I am 3 years her elder and although we were in the same church, same youth ministry, we were in completely different worlds. Once our world's collided after college, I finally realized, she was pretty cute, grounded, and a go-getter. She had the call of God on her life and that was one of the things that attracted me to her. That and she is FINE! (not only using vocab from my high school days, but also scoring some major points) For the record, I really don't need them-I score them all the time. I know that in the game of life, I have hit the JACKPOT, because I have someone like her to share life with. She is my biggest fan, and also my honest helpmate. I love her honesty- she tells me when I'm hot and when I'm not. She compliments me by being the detailed chick in the house. My big ideas are often brought to fruition or reality because of her. She makes me better in so many ways too.
When we took our vows, we included that we would be with each other in sickness and in health, and little did she know 9 days after saying those vows, she would walk with me through a brain tumor discovery and then surgery to remove it. But she did. She is so strong as a woman of faith, and has been amazing to see her even grow so much in our 12 years together. As far as MOM goes to our kids, she is a Rock Star. Juggling a career, wife, homemaker, mentor, and then add a full scale pastor's wife who is super involved, makes the case for SUPERWIFE. But balance is the reason we have made it. Looking back there are some thoughts for you based on how we have kept our marriage strong. For all you looking for love, here ya go:

  • Be Flexible with each other.

  • Say, "I Love you" a lot.

  • Be the first to admit you are wrong, if you are.

  • Be spontaneous and have some fun.

  • Unplug from everything electronic occasionally.

  • Set goals & dream together.

  • Make date nights)without the kids) a priority in your week. (at least bi-weekly)

  • Treat your spouse as if the whole world was watching you.

  • Open the door for her, gentlemen.

  • Impress and win her like you had to when you were dating.

  • Pray together.

  • Put together a family plan that will help you concentrate on the areas of your marriage you want and need too.

  • Put amazing couples around you that you can lean on when things get tough, and laugh with when things are going great.

Well, this works for now. We ask ourselves all the time, "can you believe we got married?" 20 years ago, no one would have ever thought that, but hey a lot can happen in 20, and also 12.