Thursday, July 14, 2011

Staying Alive, Staying Young, & Challenging Myself!

Recently I have grown out my facial hair. Not a full beard, but scruffy. Kind of like when I was a college kid and didn't shave because facial hair was new to me, and I hated shaving every morning. But lately I have seen some gray...NOOOOOOOOOOO! This week I turn 36 years old. This means that 1/2 a life ago I was graduating high school. So, at this point in my life, I have done quite a few things...I'm not at mid-life crisis mode yet, but I'm sure I'm a year closer now. I love challenges and so this year, I look to find something new to challenge me. Physically, I have done a few things like returned from a brain surgery, run a marathon, complete P90X and continue to work out regularly, and eat pretty organically. Spiritually-I have memorized scripture, read through the Bible every year, and am teaching my family how Jesus loves us. Mentally-I'm reading more, so that is a start. I've coached and am coaching. Socially-well I will hit 1,000 FB friends this year, most who I haven't seen or had a face to face conversation with in the last 5 years. (so that doesn't count-I think)

So, this is my goal this find something to do that will challenge me in a person's HEALTH ZONES. I'm not sure what that is yet, but I guarantee you-I'm always up for a challenge.

Maybe I will conquer all my fears...climbing the Space Needle bare handed to conquer heights; wrestle a garter snake to get that one behind me; give blood more this year conquer my fear of needles (adding a tattoo is probably more fun)

All this to say..."36, you will not hold me back." 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 didn't even have a chance & neither will you.