Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Forgotten Word...That Should Not Be!

There have been some great words that I have tried to bring back over the years. In high school I tried to bring back the word 'bitchin', as it was used in the 60s. In college I tried to run words together like 'fantastic' and 'fabulous' to create fantabulous; although I am pretty sure I'm not the first to try those words together. I've tried to use words to expand my everyday vocabulary with new words, some stick some don't. Some words I used as a 12 year old kid-still roll of my tonugue like "rad", because the word is...well, it speaks for itself. I've even tried to create new words even-yep, not an English major. Every once in a while, I will hear a word; it will be sparked as I read, that I have not used in a sentence for a long time. That was the case today!
I'm reading through the prayers of the Bible and today I came across a prayer that caused me to think about a word I haven't heard in a while, except to describe a comic book. This word was drawn from an interchange between the prophet Isaiah and Hezekiah. II Kings 20:1-6, tells us the story of Hezekiah and him getting ready to die. It is as follows: In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, “Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
Isaiah is on his way from delivering the message when, he is stopped in his tracks by God, and told to return to Hezekiah and tell him his life will be granted 15 more years. God says, tell him "I have heard your prayers, seen your tears, and will heal you!"
The word that comes to me today to live by and think about is: MARVEL

When was the last time you experienced something that causes amazement, awe or admiration? When was the last time you stopped to MARVEL at something?

If God is working in your life, then you can stop and MARVEL!
If you have been set free, you can MARVEL!
If you need a healing, you can believe God for a miracle and MARVEL when it happens!
If you need hope, MARVEL at God's grace!
If you need provision, Marvel that God provides for you!
When you fear, and that fear is taking away...MARVEL!
Walk faithfully in God and see the work that GOD will do in your life.

Don;t look back, look ahead and be ready to MARVEL at what God can and will do.

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