Monday, February 21, 2011

ALL-STAR Mentality

Every once in a while you will see someone who has the swagger of an all star. I observed the NBA all star game yesterday with my son. He, only 9, spoke of dreams of playing in that game someday. As I listened to his dreams, I helped point out good defense, bad defense-which in that game comes often, great shot selections, and bad ones. I also observed the mentality of the players involved. Each player out there knew why they were there. They are the best. They are the one's who have the ball in their hands when the game is on the line. The question that comes to mind, is are you that type of person? Not necessarily in sports terms, but in life terms. Are you walking through life with ALL-STAR swagger? Some of you recognize that God is in your life, and that you are a child of God. If that is the case, you should walk with a different mentaility, a swagger if you will. Not the swagger of cockiness, but with the swagger of confidence-that God is for you, and with you. I'm naturally confident in most things I do. It comes with personality and leadership, but most importantly it comes because of faith. I know I am not invincible, but I also know that God has placed me at this time, in this position of leadership, to be confident in Him to those who I come in contact with in my family, my profession, my city, and all people my path intersects.
If we walked in Christ and had the All-Star mentality that we are God's creation, His children, and we are walking through life just as God planned for us-would we not want to walk with the confidence of Christ? Christ has positioned you right now for today. So, have the all-star mentality, because if you follow Christ, He will want you to step up and have the confidence to close out the game strong. The question is are you ready for the big time? If you are good enough to make it in the NBA, you better believe that they are ready to step up when the game is on the line. The same should be true for us in our efforts for Christ. I tell my son, shooters keep shooting-even if they miss a few. Christ followers keep following, even if a few things don't go out the way they may have hoped for. They still trust in God.

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