Thursday, March 31, 2011

Take Courage! Some thoughts...

A month ago, I was able to hang in So Cal at a leadership conference. While I was there I was able to be challenged in many different aspects of COURAGE! So here area few quotes that were inspiring to me throughout the CATALYST Conference: • Scot McKnight (Professor, Author) o Dreams- give us hope, are connected to ministries, and connected to leadership. o Current enemies in Christian culture are: Muslims, homosexuals, homeless, differing political views…they are enemies because they are never in our homes. Jesus invited cultural enemies into eat with Him. Why don’t we? • Mark Batterson (Church Planter, Author) o There are ways to do church that no one has thought of yet. o “Favor of God is what God does for you that you can’t do for yourself.” o Ways to amp up your prayer life-pray the Bible. o Using the passage out of Joshua: Prayer is practical-and has no shortcuts. o We need 20/20 Vision- a 2020 vision for our church. o A Vision beyond our resources. If we can’t have a big vision that God can meet, well then…we should questions a lot of things about ourselves. • John Acuff (Blogger, Comedian, Author, Speaker) o We live in the “I AM, BUT GENERATION” (professionally)- this is the generation who says they are/do ________, but really want to be or hope to be/do ________. o In 2011, 84% of people wanted to look for a new job. (recent poll Manpower survey, as reported on CNN, HuffPo) o We have to close the gap between our job and our dream job. o We have to figure out what our dream is! Jud Wilhite & Mike Foster (People of the Second Chance) o Grace is Christians killer App. o We have to overthrow judgment & liberate love o Grace will draw people to your church. o We line up our value and worth based on how culture is. o Our entertainment is other’s failure (Charlie Sheen) o Grace is not just about forgiveness, it is about life. DAVID PLATT  When you know God truly, you love God deeply.  4.5 Billion don’t know Christ.  Spiritual needs and physical needs  We don’t have times to play games.  Followers of Christ-Jesus almost tries and talk them out of it.  “I’m trying to talk you out of following Jesus.”  More crowds, John 6, Luke 14, Leave your mom & dad  Pick up your Cross(a instrument for torture, death, humiliation)  Jesus is enough.  Come to Jesus to get Jesus.  The Word of God & the Holy Spirit is accomplishing the mission of the church.  It is fine without all the resources. Andy Stanley • A single act of courage is a tipping point to change something. • All great stories of the Bible starts with an act of courage: Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Jacob, David, Gideon, Shadrach/Meshach/ Abednego • Stories of the Bible are so big and dramatic-ours probably won’t be. Dave Ramsey • Enduring organizations have core principles that guide daily decisions. • 5 MATTERS o People Matter o Incredible Teams & Culture Matters o Slow & Steady Matters o Financial Principles Matters o A Higher Calling Matters John Perkins-Interview o “Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it is to face head on that which fears you.” o Interview about his role in the Civil Rights era and his efforts to bridge reconciliation and development with Christian principles and community efforts. Rev Run • Be Open, God will use opportunities to expand you. • I don’t just believe in miracles, I depend on them. • Give God the Glory! • Do your best, forget the rest. Christine Caine • We can’t avoid risk if we tried. • Brisk living is a risk. • Life is risky! • Death is a real statistic- 1 out of 1 die. • God called us to a risky life, not a predictable, safe life. NANCY ORTBERG • How would your organization look if you had courage? • Don’t allow the celebrity culture into your church. • Omni-competent- we are not. • Conflict- great leaders don’t avoid it! • Be Courageous, not a Jerk. JACK DORSEY • Only the courageous will solve problems that have yet to be addressed. • It’s not lucky, it’s a point in which something you see a need, and do something. MATT CHANDLER • Living out the gospel demands a courageous lifestyle. • Weapon 1-Blood of Christ- Ephesians 2:13 • Weapon 2- Word of God- @ Timothy 3:16-17 • Weapon 3- Promises of Covenant- Heb 9:14 • You cannot control anything, but you can POINT TO THE KING. Britt Merrick • Intimacy with God creates pure courage. • Mark 3:13-15- they climbed together. • Be with HIM! • We have functionally left our first love. • Christ is on Mission Randall Wallace  What may move me, will move others.  Real story behind Braveheart scene- they all wanted to fight and respond-but director had to re-take a few times.  Our gifts from God are used to connect us to others.

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