Thursday, April 28, 2011


So, as I reflect on this past week, I am still in awe of what we celebrate every Easter. For the Christian faith, it is the ESSENTIAL and most important part of the story. Jesus is alive! This is not some renaissance, cool idea, but it is all about this thought here: God's power went ballistic in the tomb, reconnecting Jesus' body with the Holy Spirit, taking His corpse and put life back into it. If there is a time to use the word EPIC- this would be your cue! (Insert here) As you read through the gospels you will see different accounts. When put in order chronologically it makes complete sense. The guards sealed the tomb per Pilate's request. The women proceeded to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. As you read this passage, an earthquake takes place. This earthquake was simultaneous to the resurrection. It did not happen as the women came upon the tomb. The word used to describe the earthquake in the Gk is idou. It carries the same connotation of our use of "wow, amazing, & wonder." Matthew writes this years after the event, yet is still throwing this word in because of the impact and experience he still remembers.
As the women enter the tomb, they are perplexed. As if they lost their way is how the wording is interpreted.
This is the point, when you have an encounter with the living God, Jesus, you may have a hard time understanding what happened, because God works in the supernatural, not the natural. You may even babble or have a hard time communicating like the women did upon finding the tomb empty. Bu God, through His Holy Spirit, speaks through us when we tell people of this Jesus. So, don't lose heart, and don't think you are speaking gibberish-When God gives you the opportunity to tell someone of Jesus-the words coming out of your mouth will be clear and precise, so that more can hear about this great story of Resurrection.
Jesus surprised a lot of people by raising from the dead, even though He gave them every indication He would. So what is Jesus telling you, that you may be missing.

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