Thursday, January 8, 2009

It Starts Now

Every once in a while I find myself in a place of inspiration. After clearing my head of all the daily distractions of news, interruptions, and life I sometimes find a quiet place to reflect. Have you ever refelcted light off of a mirror? Have you ever seen an object illuminated by light that is traveling ahead of the object? Reflection can mean looking back, I think reflection is about looking forward too.
As I enter this new year we'll call '09, I find myself setting new patterns, goals, and monumental life challenges. Everything I want to do this year starts with a pattern and life plan I set now. In the first few days of this year my life has already changed. My alarm is now set earlier, my dietary intake is reworked, my reading schedule is intact, my workout schedule is in writing, my quiet time is uninterrupted, and my marriage & family life are priority. Set some goals, get your life in order, clear out the old (books, files, clothes, whatever it is needing cleared out, the thought of 2008, etc...) The New Year is a great place to start afresh. If you want to get in a new routine, start today. Don't wait until tomorrow, because that will bring its own interruptions too. Block the time so you can make this a legitmate plan. It begins today, it starts now. Reflect forward, not backwards.

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