Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Voice of This Generation?

I was intrigued this week to read of a celebrity saying and I quote, "I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice." THE VOICE? Thanks Mr. Kanye West, but your voice doesn't do much for me, and for that matter many in "this or the next generation." I am under the opinion and impression that voices of past generations earned them, and did not crown themselves with the title. Being the voice for a generation implies a lot. Credentials do not get your voice heard, chracter does. Character is a big word that packs a punch. Character is a rare trait these days with companies selling out, politicians thinking they are above the law, and even Christ followers misrepresenting the term. So, the action you should take here is this: look in the mirror and take a hard look, determine what you need to do to become a better person of character, and then do it. You never know what character can do for you, maybe you will be the voice of this or the next generation, because I can guarantee you Mr. West doesn't have a clue. I hope my voice is heard, but I understand it comes through my actions and character, not my credentials.

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