Friday, March 20, 2009

When Vision Becomes Fruition

This morning I stood in a brand new activity center/gym that had been dreamed about back in 1979. As a kid I went to Evergreen Christian School. We used an old church auditorium that had been turned into a gym, carpet floor and everything. Today, I heard Mr. Bruce Newman speak of the forest that lined the very place for the past 30 years, every team and kid who played on the old gym floor, and the historical look at the city even 30 years ago. I came back to Olympia and Evergreen last year after being gone for the past 25 years and now my kids go to the school I once did. The vision of this building was far more than athletic and community based events, but also a place for transformation to take place in the lives of the students, parents, and faculty that may set foot in that new building.

The great part of today was seeing vision come to fruition. A dream of a state of the art gym, with locker rooms, classrooms, bleachers, and it was packed with hundreds of kids and parents. (see the pic) When you are a part of a vision that becomes fruition, it is an amazing experience. The students who get to use this now, have parents that were kids when this vision was birthed. I can imagine the emotion Mr. Newman has since he has dreamed it for so long. As a matter of fact, the court is going to be named the Bruce & Lloyde Newman Court, in honor of the vision that was laid 30+ years ago. When your vision becomes reality it is time to celebrate and thank God for the process, no matter how long it may come to pass. The exciting part is that there was vision in the first place. So, here is to the excitement of learning, playing, and transformation that takes place in the new activity center at Evergreen Christian Community & Evergreen Christian School. Thanks Bruce for the vision and sticking with it for so long. My family is just one of tens of thousands that will see the building is used.

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