Thursday, September 17, 2009


This week there were a number of instances of people in the public eye, who made their imperfection known. There was Serena Williams in the US Open who reamed a line judge, Senator Joe Wilson who called President Obama, in all essence a "liar", and the infamous Kanye West, who hijacked Taylor Swift's VMA acceptance speech, to pretty much say "Beyonce should have won". (stay classy Kanye) So, we live in a world where we are not so perfect. This week, as my 7 year old and I were playing some Wii baseball, he hit a home run to win the game. He then looked over to me with a look of half smiles and half confidence and says, "Ha dad, you are not always so perfect." I smiled, as I knew he was just having fun with me, and then thought about the truth to that statement. WOW, that statement is so true. I am the first to point out my imperfection. It made me think of Philippians 3:12- "Not that I have already obtained this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me." I am not so perfect, but I do strive with ambition looking at what the prize is and know that I am made perfect through Jesus Christ. So, although losing in Wii baseball may make my son believe tht dad is imperfect, I know that that is just the tip of the iceberg; however, I aim to grasp the resurrection and the power of Jesus. It is humbling, but it is also a part of the discipleship journey I am constantly sharpening.

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