Thursday, October 1, 2009

Harvesting Dreams

It is hard to believe Fall is upon us. As I was reading scripture today, I was reminded of the season and what it brings-a harvest. Psalm 126 speaks of a pilgrimage. Like so many people today, these people were held captive. As their nation and world was falling around them, they fell into a state of somberness. Then, upon being freed, they are once free to dream again and agian. Dream to the point of laughter and joy. Have you ver been there? What was once a dark time, is now filled with songs of joy. These people realize that through freedom they are able to dream again, and through dreaming they will be able to reap a harvest. Their new found dream state puts them in a trance like state. As if they were in REM sleep. While they dream, they realize that it was God who raised themn out of this captive state of mind. Yes, they went through times of sorrow, but they realize that it is not the end, but only a means to the end. In this song, you will find a prayer, a song, and a promise. The promise is this...when we put effort into our dreams and we take time to carry the seed to sow, we will see our dreams harvested. God is giving us a new lease on life, it is our responsibility. We may sow sorrow, but we will reap rejoicing.

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