Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Systems Check

Every once in a while it is great to review the systems you have in your life. It is always good to get a fresh perspective on what the follow through will be in the way you respond to things in life. Recently my friend, Jim, challenged me to review my work systems. This led me to also review my systems that surround all things out side of work. Family time, kid time, how I pay bills, save money, and keep up my house. I realized I have so many systems, but they are all necessary. So, what are ways systems that you could look at going into the Fall. This is a great time to get new systems started. I recently changed the way I organize my task list. It has worked superb to this point. I have synced my iphone, my ipad,and my work computer, to all carry the same info on it. So, I can be synced no matter where i am. i suggest you think about the systems in your life and how you can push yourself to become better. I am not perfect by any means, and I have some systems I am working out. A crazy life can lead to some crazy miscues, and I want to make sure I am on my game. So, take a few minutes and review a few systems in your life: how you follow up with friends, pursue friends, organize your home, projects, and create a place for the ones you love. This life lesson will work in all aspects of your life-and I suggest you streamline as much as you can in the cray world we live in. You could be out of control before you know it...or maybe you are already there.

How Will They Remember You?

Every once in a while, I will catch myself in a moment of regret. It normally plays out like this: One of my kids does something really lousy, not necessarily on purpose, but it creates a reaction from me. My initial reaction can be one that lasts no more than three seconds, but it leaves an impression. I'm trying to create an atmosphere where my kids will remember me for the fun-loving, playful dad that I can be, not the one who on occasion can lose my cool, at the hit of a sister, sass of a mouth, or a complete accident. As my kids get older, their memory of me will be chiseled into their minds for good. I want to make sure that is one that is a positive. Yes, discipline still has its place and they may dislike me for it at times. But, the quick tempered, short fuse, can be a detriment to my long term relationship with my kids.
How about you? What impression do you leave on those around you when the cookie crumbles, the sandcastle gets washed away, or life brings you a mess you didn't need or expect? I know it would be easier to punch something, yell, react, or even honk your horn. What I do know is that there are eyes on you, when you react with people around. Adults or kids, it doesn't matter. Self Control is a fruit of the Spirit, and I find myself daily asking God to give me it. I'm not going to make excuses of why I may react the way I do at times, but I will make an effort to try and live my life as an example to my kids.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Motivation SHMotivation

Motivation drives a lot of people. If you need motivational quotes to keep you going through life, here are my thoughts for you:

  • Good luck with that!

  • New quotes will come from the most random of places.

  • You have 20 million+ places to find them in cyberspace.

  • You will waste a lot of time trying to stay motivated.

What keeps you motivated? Perhaps recognition if you succeed. Is it a coach(or boss) challenging you? Maybe an EPIC movie (there are only a few of these by the way) that causes the hero to motivate the hero within you, by crushing a line that rings everyday in the back of your mind? A fortune cookie saying? Perhaps, it is a driven, goal-oriented mindset that is just "you". Most people are motivated by something.

Motivation is defined as follows:
1. the act or an instance of motivating; 2. desire to do; interest or drive; 3. incentive or inducement; 4. psychol the process that arouses, sustains and regulates human and animal behaviour.

Every once in a while I find myself in a place where I need to be motivated. I, like many, love to have goals sitting in front of me, and like many work real well under pressure to attain the goals I set. Find what you need to motivate you to move you forward. The worst thing you can do is sit back and wait for some movie, person, thought, poster, or tragedy motivate you to make the most of your life. Motivation Shmotivation, do something today while you still have a body to do it, a voice to be heard, and a heartbeat that keeps you alive to drive you toward a dream, concept, opportunity, or challenge.