Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Systems Check

Every once in a while it is great to review the systems you have in your life. It is always good to get a fresh perspective on what the follow through will be in the way you respond to things in life. Recently my friend, Jim, challenged me to review my work systems. This led me to also review my systems that surround all things out side of work. Family time, kid time, how I pay bills, save money, and keep up my house. I realized I have so many systems, but they are all necessary. So, what are ways systems that you could look at going into the Fall. This is a great time to get new systems started. I recently changed the way I organize my task list. It has worked superb to this point. I have synced my iphone, my ipad,and my work computer, to all carry the same info on it. So, I can be synced no matter where i am. i suggest you think about the systems in your life and how you can push yourself to become better. I am not perfect by any means, and I have some systems I am working out. A crazy life can lead to some crazy miscues, and I want to make sure I am on my game. So, take a few minutes and review a few systems in your life: how you follow up with friends, pursue friends, organize your home, projects, and create a place for the ones you love. This life lesson will work in all aspects of your life-and I suggest you streamline as much as you can in the cray world we live in. You could be out of control before you know it...or maybe you are already there.

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