Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Power of a Small Group

Life as it happens, is captured everywhere these days. On occasion these images make there way to the phone, computer, and television screens across the world. One so video captured me last week. It was a perfect illustration of the power of a small group. Here is the set up and the video and what we can learn from it:
Set Up: A man riding a motorcycle w/out a helmet, hits a BMW as it is pulling out of a parking garage. The man riding the cycle ends up underneath the BMW. The bike goes up in flames, and the man is pinned. A group of complete strangers rush over and try and help this man.

Well, just watch!

My thoughts on this video:
  • You will never understand the power of a small group unless you are a part of one.
  • It takes a small group to radically change a life or given scenario.
  • The world is full of people like this motorcycle rider, who finds himself in a no-win situation. A small group can recalibrate the perspective with a bold move of stepping out.
  • It only took one person to influence, and then momentum and adrenaline got more people engaged.
  • A heart can come alive through small group community.
  • When people see the power of a small group, they will want to be a part of one!
  • While the world for this guy seemed to be crashing down, it was a small group who held it up.
  • Beautiful things can happen when we shift to others-focused rather than me-focused.
So, in case you missed it. In life we can find reminders that give us perspective. Small groups have been a vital part of my life and these groups have walked with me through many life challenges. How about you? How does this video speak to you?

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