Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Voices In My Head

You don't have to be labeled crazy to admit that their are voices that dance around in your head. I've heard them for a long time. I sometimes battle with them and other times flat out ignore them, and every once in a while I listen to them. Last night I had the opportunity to sit down with leaders and collaborate on a game plan for a leadership game changer in our faith community. It was in this setting I was reminded of 3 voices that dance around in my head regularly. Yes, I have 3 of them. Let me speak to you about the 3 of them probably in your head too:

  • The Encourager's- these are the people you have in your life that will tell you that you, your idea, your vision are all wonderful things. They are the people that let you know, no matter what you think you may suck at, you have great ideas, good traits, value, or talent. These are the "I know you can do it" people. Everyone of us have these in our life. The voice may take form from a mentor, coach, teacher, parent, employer, boss, or pastor.

  • God- God sent to us the Holy Spirit to walk alongside of us and counsel us throughout the greatest decisions we face. God will direct your path by shutting doors or closing them by speaking, sometimes in a still small voice. I have found in my life, it is normally pretty clear when God is speaking to me, although I have never heard His voice audibly.

  • Satan- The father of lies whispers un sweet nothings into your ears all the time. The moments I have been ready to champion something big, I have been reminded that I may fail, or I am unequipped, or that I am a no-good nothing. The fact is most people buy into the lies that are presented, because these lies and fear that are cast, are so not prepared to fight back when this voice starts speaking in their head. I have learned that in these times of fear & doubt or discouragement, I can stand strong by counting on the other voices in my head to drown out the one that would sway me from making a difference in the life of someone, no matter what the cost.

I am pretty sure that you have similar voices in your life. When you grasp to that which is true, you will be able to determine what voices you should listen to and which voices you should drown out or flat out ignore. I cling to scripture to combat the lies I hear in my head, and I also cling to the Hope that I find in Jesus Christ. When faced with life decisions that I really need to think about, I count on the reality of voices that care about me and have my best interest at heart, even if it isn't something I want to hear. I have learned that certain voices in my head are worth listening too, and one is always going to try to take away my courage and dreams, because if unleashed I may speak into the life or show the love of Christ that is in me. So, listen up to the voices in your head, and be able to

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