Thursday, November 6, 2008


I live in a part of the country that is able to enjoy the 4 different seasons. In the Winter it snows, in the Spring it rains a lot, in the Summer the sun shines, and in the Autumn the trees paint beautiful images of red, orange, and yellow. If I had a choice, I would hope it would stay in summer and early autumn. In life we go through seasons too. There are seasons of growth, where lessons are taught and learned, sometimes a rapid pace. Another season is transition, which is a place that can be one of discomfort and loneliness. It has been said, we all like change, just hate transition. Yet another season is one of building. This may come on the heels of growth or tranistion where we adjust by putting support systems and functional structure around us. Another season is renovatus, meaning to rebuild, reinvent, or retool. Taking what we know and reworking it to fill our current state of reality. Finally, a season of a plateau. Wherever we are in life, we just seem to stop growing, changing, and sink in to a routine that neither takes us up or down. This can be a dangerous place, as is, whenever you flatline. This is the time when you need to get your butt kicked to get you moving again in some regards. Whatever season you may find yourself in, know that it is for a season. There is a time for everything, and yet a time for seasons to change. Which season are you in and what season do you want to find yourself in? Remember seasons change and each one brings a new set of wins and challenges.

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