Thursday, October 30, 2008


Each Fall I go out with my son to pick out the new cleats for soccer season. He seems to be following into his dad's footsteps by playing soccer, and always going to get the most flashy and expensive shoes. This weekend we ended soccer season with our son scoring 8 goals in his last game. Yes, 16 goals on the season, 8 of them in the last 40 minutes. It was a highlight reel I must say. Each time he scored, we would see his hands flash up to us to make sure we knew how many goals he had at the time. Also reminding the parents on the other team too. The excitement I felt everytime my son scored was probably how God feels when we do something awesome for Him. When we call on His name, discover His purpose for our life, or when we recognize He is our dad and we are His children. In life there are many wins. I trust that someday you'll celebrate a moment when your kid makes you happy. Just make sure you let them know you are proud of them. Sometimes I think we miss that because it is assumed, and not spoken.

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