Thursday, April 16, 2009

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover

In case you are one of the 5.8 billion people on the planet who missed it, there was a remarkable story off the show Britain's Got Talent this past week. Susan Boyle, a 47 year old, never been kissed, unemployed lady took the stage. She stumbled over a few early questions, said she wanted to be like Eileen Page, and had a few people in the crowd rolling their eyes. Even the judges(Simon, Amanda, & Piers) were in for a surprise. They totally misjudged her; "cynical" was the word the judges used. Look at their reaction from them as she starts to sing. They are blown away and the crowd reacts too. She wasn't really put together real well, she stepped out not worried about what she looked like, and then took the world-yes the world by storm. This week she has easily over 12 million hits on youtube(from just one video-while there are many other of the exact same video with over a million) from her performance. Simon Cowell of American Idol, is a judge on this show, along with the two other judges were obviously shocked by what they heard next. Why is it we judge a book by its cover-so to speak. I listened to Susan sing this song from Les Miserables over and over again, and each time there was a freshness that came as the crowd roared and the judges were amazed-yes amazed. I must admit, I had to confess taht I have judged far too many people in my life time and this was a wake up for me to be careful how I judge. I, by looking at her, would have judged her the same way-but because I had heard about her via the web, I knew I was in for something special. This week I was reading Psalm 139 and after reading that and listening to this, it gave me new perspective. Their is beauty in each of us because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Even if she couldn't sing, she was created by God. We are God-created and made in His image, and because of that, when we judge people, we are judging...well God. This is a fresh reminder to me that I better be careful not to judge to much by the outside, because on the inside a person can suprise you, just like Susan Boyle did me and the rest of the world. If you haven't seen it you chould check it out.

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