Thursday, April 9, 2009

Throwing Rocks

As a kid, I threw plenty of rocks. The first time I went to the principal's office was for throwing rocks at girls on the playground. Hey, I had to get their attention, they were cute. I always love throwing rocks into a body of water. I often still today stand in amazement as I watch the ripples start as the rock goes kerplunk. Our lives are like rocks that make ripples.
I never met the man, but I have been told of this man who was brought up with integrity, influence, leadership, and an amazing work ethic. He developed these traits and led by example for his oldest son, Ruben. Who in return passed it onto Ruben Jr., who modeled it for William, whom passed it onto his kid, Phillip. Now, I have the task of instilling that in Luke, a 6th generation first born boy. Five generations later the ripple effect is still moving through yet another generation. The legacy that I leave, I too want to be talked about 6 generations from now. The work ethic, convictions, integrity, leadership, equipping that I spend time on today will hopefully make ripples. I understand I have to be willing to create and cultivate a place for ripples to take effect in the lives I come in contact with. My hope is that I will represent a rock that is tossed in water, and my example will cause the water to be interrupted and the effect will go on and on. So, next time you see a calm body of water- STOP. Throw a rock and see how the ripple takes effect. Then think about what ripple you will make.

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