Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This week my 7 year old son(that is the cool dude in the pic), decided he would get 19 extra buddy barrels. Buddy barrels are these yellow little plastic barrels that are used to collect money for missionaries around the world. Luke decided since he already has 5 himself, that he should make sure that every kid in his school class had one. So, he asked his teacher if he could give a little presentation on what buddy barrels were, and what they were used for. (His little creative business mind makes me wonder what he will do with his life.) He then challenged all his friends to get lose change and dollar bills and fill the barrels, so he could take them to church and make sure the missionaries get them. So, today before school he got his box that will hold all the buddy barrels from his calss and took it in, ready to go see if any kids took up his challenge. When he gets his mind behind something, he is hard to bump off track. That may be a good thing. Last year alone he gave over $350 to missions as a 6 year old. I'm excited to see what happens this year. The missions mind he has, amazes me and I am wondering what creative idea comes next for him to give to missions. All I know, is that if you know him, he is not afraid to ask if you for money for missions. Be forewarned.

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