Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Urgent or Important?

I was challenged today to think about what is urgent and what is important. It made me realize that sometimes I live with this tension of deciding what is what. Sometimes I also think urgent things are important, and they are not. So many times I forget to realize that the person I am trying to be like, CHRIST, was the perfect example of figuring what was urgent and what was important. In John 17, Jesus in His prayer makes a claim that is worth thinking about. He declared that His work was completed. But weren't there more miracles to do, weren't there more people that needed to hear His message, shouldn't He have met with more people? Jesus had a peace in His heart that when He was done, He was ready to call it good for the work God had given him. Throughout Jesus' ministry, He often waited for God to direct Him. I love what Hummel says, in Tyranny of the Urgent relating to Lazarus and the call to come see him. "The urgent need was to prevent the death of a brother, a friend....But the important thing from God's point of view was to raise Lazarus from the dead." This is a great reminder for everyone to live by. You need to decide what you are going to do with your time. We only have 24 hours a day and if we had more, we would find a way to fill it. As an action, take some time to look at your schedule and evaluate what is urgent and what is important. Think about what is eating up your schedule and time. If you prioritize the important, you will go a long way and be successful in all you are doing. Timing is everything and will take you a long way in life.

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