Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Ex-Con's Plea for a Friend

Today I went to my office mailbox and found a letter intended for me. As soon as I saw the return name on the outside of the envelope, I had an inclination of who it may be from. As I opened the letter, I knew I was right on. I met a guy a few months back who I connected with in the lobby of our church. He was looking for someone(a pastor) to sign off on a release program form that allowed him to go to church on Sunday mornings. I offered to sign it and over the course of two months signed off every Sunday and struck up a first name basis friendship and conversation week to week. This past weekend at church I realized that for the past few weeks I have not had the privilege to sign any forms and hadn't seen this guy, and the friends he started bringing with him. At last count he was bringing 3 other friends, and sat in the same spot every week. Today, the letter was to tell me that he had been moved and in the process got real discouraged and was reaching out for a friend(apparently one of his only) and encouragement. I realized that although my connection was limited in my view, the connection for him was huge. He wanted prayer, he wanted encouragement, he wanted direction, and he wanted a friend. His letter indicated he had no family or friends and I interpreted his letter to say, you are my friend, HELP. It got me thinking of how many times we(I) may take for granted the fact that people really value you(me)! I sat down and wrote a hand written letter because I figured it would be more powerful than a letter I could crank out on a keyboard in 2 minutes. I also took some devotional thoughts that have been an encouragement to me this year and then offered a prayer for him. It made me think about how fortunate I am to have friends, and at the same time how many people I know who really don't. It is sad, but true. I also realized that God puts people in my life at times I may not naturally be-friend (for whatever reason), and that by me being a friend, or friendly, may make a huge impression in someone else's life. Those are the friends I would want anyway, no matter what a past may look like, God doesn't care, and neither should I. Today, I realized I had a friend in someone who counts me as one of their only friends, and I value that because if I was looking for a friend, I would want and need a person to encourage me-just as a friend. SO, I am down with that! Would you be too?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Terrified? Not Even Close!

Have you ever had a terrifying life situation? Maybe even a nightmare that woke you up breathing heavy and in a cold sweat? I am not sure I can honestly say, I have been terrified to the degree where I thought my life may end, or scared enough to know that I was in extreme danger. I did once have a panic attack; and another time was scared enough not to get in a pool after going to SeaWorld as a kid. I have been terrified for split seconds in my life though, most of them happening in the age 7-13 stage of life. Life may bring some of these things my way someday, and if I ran into a cougar or grizzly bear as I ran, I maybe would freeze up, I guess those sceanrios would terrify me. Today as I was reading my Bible I came across a passage of scripture that time and time again, when I read it I am reminded of God's awesomeness. In Deuteronomy, God is in the process of reminding the people that they are HIS chosen people. They may be few in numbers (comparatively speaking) but God's hand is upon them-for this reason they need not be TERRIFIED! He is saying, "you may be outnumbered, they may be stronger even, BUT...That is a big BUT, because He then reminds them of the miracles, signs, and wonders that took place, and the MIGHTY ARM that was protecting them as they were brought out of slavery and affliction. HE then goes on to remind them that He will DRIVE out any nation that gets in their way. He is a GREAT & MIGHTY GOD, that is the reminder that you cannot forget. Read Through Deuteronomy 7 today, and be encouraged. GOD is in control and He reminds us "don't be terrified by them, because The Lord Your God is awesome and mighty." So whatever is in front of you and is terrifying you, use this as an encouragement to move past this moment, knowing God is watching over you! We serve a God that is protective of His children.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Know A LEADER when I see One

Today I witnessed an unselfish act in the midst of a busy day. I have a friend, I'll choose to remain nameless, because that is the way he would like it. This friend is a true servant. This friend is a legit servant and I witnessed it when standing next to him today. He was grabbing a napkin at a local joint, when he decided to clean the counter that was in front of him. It took 10 seconds and he was cleaning up to make a business look better. This friend was not an employee of the joint we were at, but he has a servant's heart and what I saw spoke volumes to me. No one would have seen him, no one gave him a pat on the back, and no one offered to pay him for cleaning up a mess that was not his. However, in my mind I noticed it and thought to myself this is a true leader. He is a leader to people based on his title at the company he works for, his role he plays in the local church he attends, and the family he loves. I could walk with this man in certain settings and people would recognize him and even greet him. YES, this man is a leader. However, deep down this man is a leader not because of title or position, but because he serves. This little role of servanthood that I witnessed today got this man to where he was (that and God ordaining his every footstep). I walked away from our time together with this in mind- everyday I choose to not be a servant in certain settings because life is crazy busy and I sometimes don't take the time to serve in little ways. I hope it would be said of me someday, that everytime I noticed a need to serve in a small role and I decided to get my hands dirty without recognition, I stepped up to do it. So, what about you serving?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Goals for Life- 18 years later!!

This past week, I went through a box that my parents delivered to me from their garage. In this box were trophies, some old assignments, and binders from school, and leadership materials. I happened upon a list of goals that I wrote out September of 1992. This was heading into my Senior Year of High School. I have always been goal oriented as it has helped me aim for targets in my life. As I looked through the list they were broken into the following categories: physical, spiritual, leadership, and personal. The goals included some of the following: to have a great Senior year in basketball, finish in the top 3 of my class, get a 4.0, do devotions daily, make new students feel welcome to the school, be a leader in my youth group, and a few more that were both classic and fun to re-read. As I reflected on these goals 18 years later, it was fun to see what was accomplished and what was not. The 4.0 did not happen, but I have to admit-my senior year of high school was super fun. I did finish in the top 3 of my class, and my basketball season as a team-sucked, as an individual was good enough to get some league recognition-but the team was what mattered to me. I was a leader in my youth group and eventually led as the pastor the same one-8 years later. Goals still play a role in my life all these years later. As a matter of fact some of these goals have morphed over time, but the underlying point behind the goals still stand today. I want to give my best, I want to love people, I want to continue to spend time in God's Word, and I want make sure that health is a priority in my life, so that I may do what God has intended me to do for a long time.
I'm a family man now...I have a beautiful wide, amazing kids, and responsibilities as the leader of my home. I hope I can instill in my kids and my friends the drive that keeps them aiming for excellence. Goals in life are grand, once you accomplish them there are new ones to thinkk of. 18 years after writing that list it gave me a flash back, and also a reminder to flash forward with a list of new goals to aim for. GOALS- do you have any? Are they written out anywhere, or stuck in the back of your brain? Now is a good time to write them out! (and keep them in front of you)