Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Terrified? Not Even Close!

Have you ever had a terrifying life situation? Maybe even a nightmare that woke you up breathing heavy and in a cold sweat? I am not sure I can honestly say, I have been terrified to the degree where I thought my life may end, or scared enough to know that I was in extreme danger. I did once have a panic attack; and another time was scared enough not to get in a pool after going to SeaWorld as a kid. I have been terrified for split seconds in my life though, most of them happening in the age 7-13 stage of life. Life may bring some of these things my way someday, and if I ran into a cougar or grizzly bear as I ran, I maybe would freeze up, I guess those sceanrios would terrify me. Today as I was reading my Bible I came across a passage of scripture that time and time again, when I read it I am reminded of God's awesomeness. In Deuteronomy, God is in the process of reminding the people that they are HIS chosen people. They may be few in numbers (comparatively speaking) but God's hand is upon them-for this reason they need not be TERRIFIED! He is saying, "you may be outnumbered, they may be stronger even, BUT...That is a big BUT, because He then reminds them of the miracles, signs, and wonders that took place, and the MIGHTY ARM that was protecting them as they were brought out of slavery and affliction. HE then goes on to remind them that He will DRIVE out any nation that gets in their way. He is a GREAT & MIGHTY GOD, that is the reminder that you cannot forget. Read Through Deuteronomy 7 today, and be encouraged. GOD is in control and He reminds us "don't be terrified by them, because The Lord Your God is awesome and mighty." So whatever is in front of you and is terrifying you, use this as an encouragement to move past this moment, knowing God is watching over you! We serve a God that is protective of His children.

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