Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Know A LEADER when I see One

Today I witnessed an unselfish act in the midst of a busy day. I have a friend, I'll choose to remain nameless, because that is the way he would like it. This friend is a true servant. This friend is a legit servant and I witnessed it when standing next to him today. He was grabbing a napkin at a local joint, when he decided to clean the counter that was in front of him. It took 10 seconds and he was cleaning up to make a business look better. This friend was not an employee of the joint we were at, but he has a servant's heart and what I saw spoke volumes to me. No one would have seen him, no one gave him a pat on the back, and no one offered to pay him for cleaning up a mess that was not his. However, in my mind I noticed it and thought to myself this is a true leader. He is a leader to people based on his title at the company he works for, his role he plays in the local church he attends, and the family he loves. I could walk with this man in certain settings and people would recognize him and even greet him. YES, this man is a leader. However, deep down this man is a leader not because of title or position, but because he serves. This little role of servanthood that I witnessed today got this man to where he was (that and God ordaining his every footstep). I walked away from our time together with this in mind- everyday I choose to not be a servant in certain settings because life is crazy busy and I sometimes don't take the time to serve in little ways. I hope it would be said of me someday, that everytime I noticed a need to serve in a small role and I decided to get my hands dirty without recognition, I stepped up to do it. So, what about you serving?

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