Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life & Ministry Lessons- What are you reflecting?

Occasionally I will pass a store front window, a mirror in a store, or glance at my rear view mirror. Normally when this happens it is followed with a posture change, an expression change, or a flex-let's me be honest-I'm a dude and flexing in a mirror is just something guys do-especially when no one is looking. The reason that these glances, passes, etc... bring an immediate change, is because I don't like what I see. I have found that sometimes I scowl when I drive and when I catch myself I wonder.... does the person at the stop sign next to me know I am actually a super happy, excited to be alive, and a personality plus type of guy? Based on my expression and reflection I see occasionally that answer is a fat no? So what about you-as you walk through each day at home, work, play....what are the reflections that people get by looking at you? I have found 2 Corinthians 3:18 to be a great verse to remind me of the way I want to be seen. The wording of this early part of the verse reads "But we all, with open face..." and in some versions, "unveiled faces". The Greek word which is anakalupto means to uncover, unveil, or to disclose. The tense in which it is used speaks not of a one-time unveiling, but rather a veil that once lifted, remains lifted forever. That unveiling in my life means I need to live each day as a reflection of Christ, who is active and alive in my life. When people look at me, what they see and what I hope to see is Christ. So, I pose the question to you- when people look at you, what do they see? What are you reflecting? If what they see is not what you hope they see, what steps do you need to take to unveil the 'you' that is reflected?

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