Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things that make you go BOOM!

Yesterday at 2pm PST, there was a plane that invaded Air Force One's air space. This little puddle jumper of a plane was just minding it's own business, or should I say unaware that air space was restricted as it came into the Seattle, WA, area. What happened next was the brute power and swift response of our AIR FORCE, as it scrambled two F-18 fighter jets out of Portland to Seattle. Because of the emergency and unknown threat to the space where our President was, and the distance between the two cities- let's just say the jets hauled. They can travel up to 1800 mph. The two jets as they crossed Western WA let off SONIC BOOMS, yes two of them-one from each plane. I was told it shook our house and rattled the windows as if they were going to pop out. Yet, as it happened I sat in my office fully unaware that it had happened. I didn't hear it, feel it, or notice it. I guess my office could be the place to be in the event of a natural disaster(i'm just sayin') I was locked in my cave and missed it. It wasn't until I popped on Facebook a time later to find something happened, and upon checking the news I connected the dots. How could a sonic boom take place and me not realize it? As I thought about it, I thought sometimes God likes to get my attention, but I am so enthralled in what I am doing, I can easily miss out. That means He can be trying to communicate with me and I could be completely shut off from what he is trying to tell me. It made me think that sometimes I am unaware of what God may be saying, because I am not expecting anything. Fact is, I need to be more ready to listen and willing to be shocked and amazed by God. I know that at times God sends a SONIC BOOM my direction to shake my world, but if I don't position myself to hear, see, respond then I may miss it altogether. Have you heard any SONIC BOOMS from God lately? Maybe He is needing to get your attention and to get it, He has to go BIG!

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