Monday, October 11, 2010

Stand Behind What You Say!

This time of year brings out the "he said, she said" statements as political campaigns are in full force of smearing each other. I just mute or change the channel now, because I already know people are screwing up America. We have also moved to a place in our society where many public statements, and even private, have to be retracted, because someone was offended by a remark of another. So, this is what I have to say about that...if you can't say something you can stand behind, then shut your friggin' mouth. I'm tired of people having to apologize for statements they said because people had their feelings hurt. I realize people say stupid stuff, that is because we are human, and in case people have forgotten, we are not perfect. I also understand the new trend is too attack people who don't agree with you on certain political, religious, or even social issues. So, we have too many people apologizing for things said-to put a band aid on a minor scratch, and get people back on board of "like me again" campaign. This political correctness is leading us down a very slow and painful death as a country. It seems this is the season when attacks are vicious and every word is micro scoped til death of a candidate. Tis the season! I have said some things I regretted. I have said thing behind closed doors, and I have said things in front of groups of people, that made me feel like an idiot later-but hey, who hasn't ever felt like an idiot at least once in their life? If you have a solid belief or stance on something you should feel free to stand up and speak up and don't feel the need to apologize. The warning is be careful about what you say. A wise man once told me to think before I speak, and make sure that what comes out of my mouth is what I intended to come out. If I operate by these standards then I should not have to issue some statement apologizing for my error in judgment pertaining to my vocabulary or delivery of a statement. Words have hurt me, words have helped me, and words have been used to correct me-that my friends, is called life. James gives us a great warning revolving the use of the tongue: James 3:5-6 (NIV)
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. [6] The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
So there you have it- James warns us, the tongue can be a dangerous weapon if used improperly, so if you are going to say something, think before you speak and then be able to stand behind what you say!

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