Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Someone to Talk too

The other day I saw that there was a certain celebrity that was able to talk a suicidal man down off a building, where the rapper celebrity happenened to be doing a radio interview. Pretty awesome to see someone talk a jumper down. The point I took away was this: We all need someone to talk too! Life happens and sometimes sucks. There are natural frustrations in life, and sometimes there are things that happen that we need people to be able to just listen to us vent and get the frustration out. Those who bottle it up sometimes make irrational decisions. Some people have no one to talk too. Some may be the person doing the listening. Either way, both roles are important and it is wise to have in these people in life. Some people come home from work having a bad day, maybe home life isn't any better, maybe a financial turn blows your plan, and maybe what you thought was right turned out wrong. The point is this, all of us need to be able to have a friend, or confidant you can talk too. I know I need those people in my life and I know I am that person for others. Instead of getting to the point of this man, last week who was ready to end it all, I thought-this guy had no one to turn too that would listen? He didn't have any options? I pray and hope that either I am that person for someone who is this desperate, or I pray that when I need to talk to someone-they will listen. I know who those people are in my life, the question is...DO YOU?

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