Monday, November 8, 2010

Emotional Health-It's a MUST!

Recently I have realized that I have become emotionally unhealthy. I was trying to figure out why I could speak to the topic, yet feeling like I was emotionally drained. A few nights ago I realized as I tossed and turned that I was having problems sleeping. This was effecting every aspect of my life: eating, exercise, family, reaction, motivation, temper, and so on. Over a week ago, my wife said it seemed like i was gasping for air while I slept. So, reading up on a bunch of different sleeping issues, I have decided to get myself checked for sleep apnea. I seem to have the symptoms of a candidate. Here is the deal, knowing that I need to be emotionally healthy for the sake of my relationship with God, wife, kids, family, and friends, I have scheduled the course of action to take. I want to be emotionally healthy so I can live out a healthy lifestyle. When people become emotionally unhealthy, it causes train wrecks in many different areas of their life. I have coached people through these, and I am now finding myself in the position to get some much needed help, so I can be mentally sharp, emotionally sound, and a fun person to be around. I realized when I don;t get sleep, I become a grouch, and no one like a grouch. So, are you emotionally healthy? There are some tests to take out there and although sleep apnea may not be your result of unhealthiness, I would encourage you to find a solution to why you feel the way you do. I am looking forward to re controlling my life through actions, love, and words. To do that I had to come to the realization that I need to address my lack of sleep. This means doctors appts, so 3 are scheduled in the next week. I'm excited to get back in the flow of life with good sleep, then those around me will see that I am back to the fun, out-going, creative, and happy guy that I am. I am intentional about living and this means intentional about getting back to health.

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