Thursday, November 18, 2010


Some of the best imaginations in the world belong to people who are under the age of 10. I have a great time listening to my kids and their friends talk about things I would never even think of. I love the creative element that each of us have been given, but sometimes I am taken back to my childhood. I think about my imagination of where I would be. I was going to be the next Steve Largent (yeah look him up in the NFL Hall of Fame). I also was going to be the next Mario Andretti. However, somewhere my imagination of things got sidetracked. Maybe in junior high when I started caring about what people thought and even worried about what their response would be to certain imaginative things. I still have an imagination and the way I filter it is different. I have had people dash my dreams if certain things because they said I wasn't too good, or maybe they said nothing at all. Here is the deal, if you imagine something and are passionate about creating and making it happen. I say GO FOR IT! You never know where it may lead. I'm thinking of re-trying some things I haven't done in quite a while. Cooking, Painting, Creating a Brand, and a few other things to imagine. Imagine what would happen if I actually put to practice the imagination God gave me. I think I would succeed especially if God gave me the ability to do so. Imagine that-me using my imagination. Maybe you should Imagine what God could do with your imagination. Imagine that!

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