Monday, November 1, 2010

I am not but I know I AM

Living in the iculture that seems to be ruinning rampant these day, it is a nice reminder every once in a while to realize I am not. This past week I was reminded as I studied and read up on the various I AM statements that Jesus speaks in passages of the Bible. This week my focus, along with our churches, was I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Here are some thoughts from my messsage based on John 10:11-18:
John 10:10 is the result of the gospel, but the essence of the gospel is found in the next verse!
The Good Shepherd tenaciously cares for His flock because He is not a hireling. He is THE SON!
It is common SONship with God that will draw us together.
In laying His life down, He became the DOOR. In Rising Again, Jesus becomes the Good Shepherd.
The Shepherd became a lamb, that the sheep might know the Shepherd.
A great portion of this passage is tied to our ultimate look at the Lord, ou Shepherd. This is found in Psalm 23 and is worth a read today.
Once again from this passage I'm reminded. I am not, but I know I AM.

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