Monday, November 21, 2011

The CORE of Fellowship

In this crazy pace of life we live, every so often it is good to get to the core of true fellowship. For small groups, simple core principles of fellowship can be very simple and probably pretty refreshing. As I comb over Philippians 2:1-4, there are some key lines I am drawn too. These lines are core items to gauge for small group life. In this passage we find a word "fellowship" that describes the interaction of the church. The original GK word is KOINONIA. Look at the basics of small group life you find in this passage from the following lines:

· Have Kindness & Compassion for one another. (v.1)

· Be Humble. (v.3)

· Always consider others... (v.3)

· Look out for the interest of others. (v.4)

When you look at Small Groups these are the core principles we need to have. If you applied them to your group your group my look very different than it does today, or your group may be a model group with no change necessary.

In other words SMALL GROUP LIFE CORE PRINCIPLES are summed up in Fellowship this way:

· LOVE unconditionally.

· TRANSCENDENT CAUSES where we serve together for the mission of Christ.

· VALUES/PURPOSE to uphold each individuals purpose in life.

· RESPONSIBILITIES to help each other experience transformation.

In which area may your small group need to improve? Step out and do better at? In which area can you lead better at?

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