Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have a rule I established with my son: If someone pushes you, feel free to push back. (unless it is your sisters-then I'll take care of it) I know this may not be the rules you grew up with or rules you even establish in your household. But I want my kid to know he has permission to push people if needed. Being pushed by another kid, is permission from him to push back.

As a leader of a small group, it is very easy to not push or even push back. As a group grows closer together, a leader often draws back from anything that would bring challenge, confrontation, or even disagreement. I think as leaders of groups we have to be able to challenge our groups in growth. If we don't, then we are just offering a party with friends. In discussion and facilitating questions, the leader must be able to press people farther in their faith. That may look different for certain people, but the need to push-has to be there. A group often forms to agree with whatever is being said, and very seldom is their a "devils' advocate" in the room. Recently, I went to a small group and there was a challenge to the discussion. There was this tension, and it wasn't a negative tension at all. It was a tension that was great for the group to wrestle with. The leader responded in a fantastic way, and other group members gave some of their thoughts. I remember walking away from that group visit, feeling that this was super great. The facilitator displayed: poise, leadership, an answer backed up by scripture, and was friendly in the response. The tension didn't linger longer than it needed too. As a matter of fact, we all ate later together, agreeing to disagree on certain things.
The point is this. As leaders, we need to step in and push those in our groups as they walk along in faith. I know that leadership is tough. Leading small groups is tough for some. I do know this though: as leaders we will face challenges and push back; we must offer it as well. Let people wrestle with the text, the questions, and push people to extend their Christian faith. We need strong believers who know why they believe what they believe. One way to do this is to give them an opportunity to push their faith, with great friends who love them.
Pushing fellow small groupers will continue to transform them individually, and as a group. So, about this and next time do a little pushing with those in your group. Pushing can be a great stretching environment, and we all know stretching is great for us all.

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