Monday, November 28, 2011

Systems...Check...All Systems Clear for Launch...You Can't hesitate.

My car is great at telling me when I have systems that need to be checked or updated. My computer also alerts me, as does my iPhone. So, what would it take for you to have these systems check yourself? In the last month of the year, a lot happens. This is a great time to re-evaluate some key systems and practices you have established in your daily, weekly, monthly, routine.

Systems are great things to have in place. But if you have systems that are not working, it may be time to restructure your systems. Systems are beneficial in business, home, and life settings. Recently our staff went through a check of our systems. It is great to pause at least 2x a year and review the systems you have in place, look for the ones that may need to be established, and then get them all in motion. So you may ask, what are systems that you should think about or have in place for you personally?

Here are a few thoughts, in no order whatsoever: family, spiritual, health, responsibilities, personal, work, & friends. In each of these areas you have a ways to grow and set systems to make better use of your time management, follow though, and life development. In this process of reviewing systems, I found some that were dead-ends, rock-solid, seasonal, need some work, and then a few that need to be established.

Take a few hours to walk through your systems you have or have not. This is developing you as a person. If you need someone to review them, ask someone connected to the area you are working on: family, work, social, etc...

We can all grow from establishing systems. So, take the time and review them soon, before the lights go off and the systems crash. It's easier to address them before they are in a failure process.

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