Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Flesh & The Cross

Tis' the season to stop and pause amongst the chaos of Christmastime. Most Americans actually have a day or two off this week to celebrate Christmas. For me, I take some time to enjoy the chaos, which I thrive in, and also to get away from it all. In this time, I reflect on what Christmas is all about. I'm drawn to Philippians 2:8, which read, "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Although in this season we think more about the birth of Christ, than we do the resurrection, His purpose was for a far greater purpose than a humble beginning. Don't think of this time and reflect on a cozy, poor lit stable, with dirty animals, where a family had to rest because every other place in town had the 'No Vacancy' sign lit up. Jesus came to earth in this setting to release us, you and me, from sin. It is a power that only comes in the name of Jesus. In the passage Paul wrote that I quoted above, he connects the two thoughts of Christmas-Jesus birth, and the resurrection. Interestingly enough, the word used in Phil 2:8, as "fashion" is the Gk word schema. Schema used in ancient times was used to depict a king who exchanged the kingly garments for a brief period of time for the clothing of a beggar.
When God came to earth, He did so in a way where He shed the "glorious", for the clothing of human flesh. Man's temporal tent, or earthly flesh is wonderfully made, but nothing compares to the appearance of God. He went from radiant glory from eternity past, and came to earth as a babe, so He could carry a cross, then be crucified on it. HUMILITY at it's greatest. When you are in the midstof the craziness of Christmas with family, friends, crowded malls, and last minute deals, remember Christmas and the earthly flesh God manifested as a baby. He was born to die for you and me. This is what Christmas is really about.

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