Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Be A Memory Maker

Every year that passes, does so with a memory that you either want to forget or one that is etched in your mind forever. I have vivid memories throughout my life of people, places, events, and times that made huge impacts in life. There were teachers, pastors, friends, 4 years of high school and college, jobs, a marathon, etc... All which left an impression (or memory) of some impact in my mind. This week, another memory maker took place. On Christmas Eve, my wife and kids surprised me with a ticket to the Rose Bowl to watch the Oregon Ducks play. I had no idea it was coming, and it caught me off guard. When I opened the gift and saw a picture of my ticket, I said, "what?" After all, I asked for underwear and a tattoo. The joy on their face as I opened it, was probably as priceless as mine was receiving it. Thanks to a best friend and a wife, who planned the whole trip behind my back, I now have another memory. It gets better, because my parents surprised my son with a ticket to go with my dad on Christmas Day. So, on January 2, I sat with one of my best friends of 24 years, his son, and dad, to watch the Oregon Ducks beat the Wisconsin Badgers. My dad and son, were 2 sections over, and my son got to spend 1/2 the game watching with me. That was a huge highlight, as we watched the game cheering on our team. After this weekend of memory makers for my fam, I come to the following conclusion:
  • Take advantage when opportunities for life's memory makers come your way.
  • There is a cost for some memories, and some are worth it, some are not.
  • Savor every opportunity to soak in time with your kids, one day they will grow up and be gone.
  • Find something you enjoy doing, and go for it.
  • Show appreciation for those who give out of generosity.
  • There are some people who are professional tailgaters, and they now how to tailgate.
  • Having life long friends in your life is important and vital.
  • De'Anthony Thomas is lightning quick. (Youtube him)
As for you, what can you do to make a memory for you or someone you love? Do you have any memory makers? Ask yourself these questions this year: What are some of your life memory makers? What can you do in 2012 to create one? What can you do to bring cheer to people around you? Is there a friend that you need to reconnect with?

Make this year one to remember. Here's to 2012, Cheers!

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