Monday, December 19, 2011

Leadership Mic'd Up

Barbara Walters just finished wrapping up her 10 most fascinating people of 2011. However, Barbara, being Barabra, failed to really get some of the most interesting and fascinating people of 2011. She normally goes after glitz, glamour, and people in the news. So this year she failed miserably by not including the person of which the video below is about. He is the most talked about football player this year, and he really has not done too much, except win. His name is Tim Tebow. Now, I am not a Denver Broncos fan, nor will I ever be. I couldn't stand the Florida Gators, the university where Tebow played his college ball either. I appreciate Tim Tebow much more after watching the video below, and I have recently found myself "tebowing" on a few occasions lately. I appreciate the guy's zeal for life and his leadership that he portrays on the field and sideline. One can learn a lot about leadership from watching this video clip as Tim was mic'd for a recent game where he rallied the team to a fascinating come-from-behind win. Watch the clip and I'l break it down for you:


*You can make an impact in someone's life, by taking a few minutes of your time to talk to them.

*Leaders should be able to bounce back from adversity.

*Positivity is important in rallying people around you.

*Respect is a leadership commodity that more leaders should have.

*Composure is something every leader should have in their arsenal of skills.

*Encouragement goes a long way.

*Attitude determines altitude.

*When you believe in people and show you care, that impact lasts forever.

I have had the opportunity to be around excellent leaders. Each time I am with one, I try and take something away and implement it in my life. Being intentional about leadership helps one grow. That is my desire every opportunity I get.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how supportive of his team mates he is. Lots of encouragement and positivity. Good post!