Thursday, January 26, 2012

In Common

It is sad, but is said that Americans are among the loneliest people in the world. Problem with Americans is they are over committed, too busy, live in these congested environments, and still find no time to build relationship. We live, work, walk by many people daily. However, most conversation is surface, if there is any verbal communication at all. Maybe a head nod, a wave, or a "Hey". Here is the kicker, it is a sad day we live in, when we can have all these people around us, yet we don't have meaningful relationships with most of them. Last year they found a man living alone deep in the jungle of South America. Think with me if you will about the life this man must lived. Conversations with nature, the forest, maybe God(or a spirit he might have talked too), birds of the air, animals....who knows. But all of us have the opportunity to have people speak into our life, or vice-versa, yet we live like this man in concrete jungles, where we only talk to a computer screen, television, a pet, or ourselves. We are relational beings created by a God that digs community. We cannot and must not be isolated. Yes, we may all be wired differently with attitude, temperaments, language, likes and dislikes; however, we were not designed to be isolated.

I have certain friends that I bond with over various things. It could be in common faith, in common family, in common friends, in common sport fans, in common hobbies, in common likes and dislikes. That should be the case for us all. May it never be said, that I died a lonely life. I, Me, You, We have people that we have things IN COMMON with. Find them, talk to them, serve them, love them, and share with them.

What you will find is there are people just like you, looking for people just like you to live life together!