Thursday, February 2, 2012

Safe Place-Small Groups

Being involved in a group of friends that truly care for you can be both beneficial and a must. At the same time, I think people need environments in life where it is a safe place to speak freely and express their opinions. Is your small group a safe place? Here are some thoughts I picked up from an article a while back from a magazine:

Here are 9 ways we can create a safe place environment in small group life:
1. Provide a supportive nonjudgmental space.
We must learn o provide a safe place for people to discuss real issues without fear of rejection.
2. Be genuine
The ability to be real is so important. When we are attentive, respectful, and above all human, people feel comfortable to share real struggles.
3. Show empathy
When we make a sincere effort to understand and identify with another’s pain, we can help in the healing process.
4. Err on the side of grace
It does not do any good to heap condemnation on someone who’s trying to work through their own issues.
5. Communicate acceptance and show love
People need to be loved just because.
6. Be a friend
Friends are a much needed resource.
7. Share from your life
You may not be able to relate exactly, but you have experienced your own personal struggles. You can help put the struggles into perspective and give them hope.
8. Care enough to confront
Love enough to give honest feedback, but speak the truth in love.
9. Instill hope and lead them to resources that will help
It has been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days, without water, 4 minutes without air, but you can’t live seconds without hope. Be an encourager.

I hope this helps you find a group where you can find these concepts applied. As a small groups pastor, I feel it is important to create this culture and leverage them in your church's small group ministry. For it to be a safe place, you have to be intentional. So, go for it!

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