Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Defines YOU?

I had the opportunity to read through a bunch of profiles of people today. The trick was they all had just a few words to promote themselves. What was interesting is that they were all different. Some people were well known, while others were not. In some circles people had rock star status to be followed by someone that none of us know by name or face. Some took advantage of their minor celebrity status and spoke about what they were passionate about family, career, likes, and reason for stardom. Some didn't say much about them, but were promoting something much bigger than themselves. I found myself in a place asking, "what would I say in a limited time that would describe me?" Would it be my future dreams, something humorous, maybe my past accomplishments, my family & friends, my faith, words used to describe me by others, a cause I'm all about or, possibly something to make me look like I'm suave. So, I am posed with a question that we must all answer...WHAT DEFINES YOU? For each of us it may be different, however, we must face the reality because for some it is a sad state of affairs of what they find their personal identity, value, popularity, and definition in. So, as you walk away from this blog today, jot it down: What or Who defines you-and are you ok with that, or does it need to be tweaked? What I do know is this: YOU be YOU!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prisoner-You can be FREE!

I have never been handcuffed, but I have watched someone get handcuffed. I have never been held captive, but I have read horror stories of hostages. I have never been told I have a life threatening disease. There are events in life that literally paralyze us. News, tragedy, or maybe a Doctor's report that we weren't expecting. Every day I walk by people though who are chained. They are handcuffed by something holding them back from experiencing life to the full. Maybe you find yourself in a place of loneliness, maybe it a disease just diagnosed-and questions loom, a feeling of no worth, a dead end job, depression, health that is sucking you dry, financial issues that seem so steep, maybe it is lack of family support, or possibly selfishness, or an emptiness in one's life that drags them to a place of udder despair. Friend, I have experienced highs and lows, life and death, good news and bad news. I know what it is like to be told that there is something wrong that could effect everything you ever dreamed for. I also know this...THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS. When life seems to suck everything out of you in a moment's notice, I want to remind you that there is one name that will set you FREE. His name is JESUS. Wherever you are, whatever you are going through, right now, someone is praying for you! Praying that every chain holding you back (or maybe holding someone close to you back) from experiencing a new freedom, or being set free. I have never been in prison behind bars, but I have felt like unexpected news held me prisoner. It is in times like this that calling on Jesus is totally worth it. Every chain holding you back, everything holding you captive, can and will be broken in the Name of Jesus. Desperate for a breakthrough? See for yourself. J-E-S-U-S. That is it. Say it and see what happens next. FREEDOM- experience it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

First Impressions & The Back Door

In the church world there are two terms that no leader wants to hear. They are: A.) "people exiting out the back door of the church" & B.) "fell through or falling through the cracks". Basically these thoughts are dreadful to hear because it means the 'church' has done a bad job of not catching people who are walking through the front doors and are missing getting them to get involved in most cases. Most people respond best to a personal invite or a face to face conversation.

When GUESTS arrive on campus they will only take 3 minutes to decide their 1st impressions. People who exit out the back door are those who have stuck around for a while trying to connect(and in some cases maybe not trying) and then leave because they feel no connection keeping them here. People exit out the back door for various reasons. There are a few ways to shut the back door and there are books that have ways to help avoid them. I think it is pretty simple though: The best way to shut the back door is for people to connect in relationship with those they may not know. I'm not talking about strangers walking in and trying to connect, I'm saying people who call the church their home should be the one's reaching out connecting. The back door will be shut when people reach out and make people feel welcome, whether they know them or not. In the context of small groups it may come from a leader who follows up with an e-mail or personal phone call to someone who may be interested in joining a group. I've had some people say, I never heard from a small group. I interpret this two ways: I screwed up, or the small group leader I sent them too never made contact.

Either way, it is bad news. For those that are guests, it may be just the way somebody connects with them as they walk through the door. I know this, some people exit out the back for all the wrong reasons and some because frankly-they have no desire to connect. But when I hear someone has exited it is a sad state of mind. So, that being said, what are you doing to help prevent the back door from being left open and people exiting? Are you being friendly? Starting conversations with people you may not know? Inviting people to connect in small groups circles. Let's work on stopping people from falling through the cracks. It is the best thing we can do as a family.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Living a Creative Life

I think one of the biggest killer, if not the greatest killer, in life is lack of creativity. We all have it. As a matter of fact-kids seem to have a ridiculous amount of it-remember when you once did? I could play with Hot Wheel cars & GI Joes for hours in my backyard. Creativity is a big and scary word for most people, because they don't think they have it! Fact is, we have all had it from day one! Where we not created in God's image? Is He not the Creator of creativity. In case you missed it, Genesis 1 is a great place to pick up and see some of God's best work in creativity to date! I recently read an article on creativity, and thought how appropriate some of the simple disciplines can be acquired by our leadership to make life greater! Carlos Whitaker, a creative coach, and artist uses 3 words to spurn creativity. Here are his words, and my thoughts on them:

INNOVATE- Something new doesn't mean cool. Most of the things we see today are a re-vamped version of something from the passed anyway. Innovation can come in simple yet subtle changes to current practices or routines. Study in a different place. Take a new route to work. Order a different drink at your coffeehouse. Try and branch out or stretch your mind.

EXPLORE- Set a scheduled time to break what you are currently working on and log ideas on paper as they come to you. This may be regarding scripture, an activity, a life adventure, or even a personal growth plan. Make it a habit to explore when thinking about family, play, life, work, and friends. This will help filter your ideas and you will come up with lists of ideas, as opposed to coming up with ideas with another 10 people trying to shoot down spontaneous ones.

DISTURB & DISRUPT- It can be hard to disturb and disrupt Christ followers who are so set on routine. What if you messed the whole routine of life up. What if you ventured out and ate somewhere unique to you, sing karaoke at a bar, or split normal schedule up. Disturb and disrupting life is part of the creative process. You want your life to look different then disturb and disrupt. Old ideas are so 2011, so this year as you embark on 2012-come up with new ways to utilize your time, energy, love, and prep for life.
Creativity is a God-given gift that most people are unaware they possess. I think that creativity is the way to go and make life exciting, unpredictable, and a magnet for growth in all ways possible.
Take some time and make creativity a part of the process when thinking about dreams, goals, and people around you. If not, you will become boring, stale, and will mold over and rot away.