Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prisoner-You can be FREE!

I have never been handcuffed, but I have watched someone get handcuffed. I have never been held captive, but I have read horror stories of hostages. I have never been told I have a life threatening disease. There are events in life that literally paralyze us. News, tragedy, or maybe a Doctor's report that we weren't expecting. Every day I walk by people though who are chained. They are handcuffed by something holding them back from experiencing life to the full. Maybe you find yourself in a place of loneliness, maybe it a disease just diagnosed-and questions loom, a feeling of no worth, a dead end job, depression, health that is sucking you dry, financial issues that seem so steep, maybe it is lack of family support, or possibly selfishness, or an emptiness in one's life that drags them to a place of udder despair. Friend, I have experienced highs and lows, life and death, good news and bad news. I know what it is like to be told that there is something wrong that could effect everything you ever dreamed for. I also know this...THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS. When life seems to suck everything out of you in a moment's notice, I want to remind you that there is one name that will set you FREE. His name is JESUS. Wherever you are, whatever you are going through, right now, someone is praying for you! Praying that every chain holding you back (or maybe holding someone close to you back) from experiencing a new freedom, or being set free. I have never been in prison behind bars, but I have felt like unexpected news held me prisoner. It is in times like this that calling on Jesus is totally worth it. Every chain holding you back, everything holding you captive, can and will be broken in the Name of Jesus. Desperate for a breakthrough? See for yourself. J-E-S-U-S. That is it. Say it and see what happens next. FREEDOM- experience it.

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