Thursday, March 8, 2012

Living a Creative Life

I think one of the biggest killer, if not the greatest killer, in life is lack of creativity. We all have it. As a matter of fact-kids seem to have a ridiculous amount of it-remember when you once did? I could play with Hot Wheel cars & GI Joes for hours in my backyard. Creativity is a big and scary word for most people, because they don't think they have it! Fact is, we have all had it from day one! Where we not created in God's image? Is He not the Creator of creativity. In case you missed it, Genesis 1 is a great place to pick up and see some of God's best work in creativity to date! I recently read an article on creativity, and thought how appropriate some of the simple disciplines can be acquired by our leadership to make life greater! Carlos Whitaker, a creative coach, and artist uses 3 words to spurn creativity. Here are his words, and my thoughts on them:

INNOVATE- Something new doesn't mean cool. Most of the things we see today are a re-vamped version of something from the passed anyway. Innovation can come in simple yet subtle changes to current practices or routines. Study in a different place. Take a new route to work. Order a different drink at your coffeehouse. Try and branch out or stretch your mind.

EXPLORE- Set a scheduled time to break what you are currently working on and log ideas on paper as they come to you. This may be regarding scripture, an activity, a life adventure, or even a personal growth plan. Make it a habit to explore when thinking about family, play, life, work, and friends. This will help filter your ideas and you will come up with lists of ideas, as opposed to coming up with ideas with another 10 people trying to shoot down spontaneous ones.

DISTURB & DISRUPT- It can be hard to disturb and disrupt Christ followers who are so set on routine. What if you messed the whole routine of life up. What if you ventured out and ate somewhere unique to you, sing karaoke at a bar, or split normal schedule up. Disturb and disrupting life is part of the creative process. You want your life to look different then disturb and disrupt. Old ideas are so 2011, so this year as you embark on 2012-come up with new ways to utilize your time, energy, love, and prep for life.
Creativity is a God-given gift that most people are unaware they possess. I think that creativity is the way to go and make life exciting, unpredictable, and a magnet for growth in all ways possible.
Take some time and make creativity a part of the process when thinking about dreams, goals, and people around you. If not, you will become boring, stale, and will mold over and rot away.

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