Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Attack Ads and the Gospel

I don't talk politics much these days because everyone seems to be pretty sure who they back and what they stand for. This election season we go through every few years on the local, state, and national level is almost over...thank God. In a few short weeks the airwaves will be back to regular everyday commercials about deoderant, cars with lower gas mileage, and the best new deal in insurance. The politicking will be over and the attack ads (most of which you have to research to see who is lying) will be over. When a person decides to run for office it is a no brainer these days that they will have their whole life rummaged through so an opponent can get an edge. I think the attack ads we see are pretty much what Christ followers have been having to deal with for centuries. Taking something that is fact and twisting it to make it unbelieveable, confusing, or hard to understand seems to be what has happened to the Gospel. One thing is for sure, when the attack ads go away, the message of Jesus Christ never will. The hope we have for this election and however you choose to vote, will never compare to the hope we find in Jesus Christ and His Word.

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