Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gap- Don't Forget

In the last two weeks I have had the privlege to hear my grandfather and my father speak in different settings to people. Currently we have 4 generations alive on my dad's side of the fam. I am fortunate to have an amazing heritage of Christ followers on both sides of my family. As the title of the blog suggests, I am a 5th generation rev(as in pastor). I was reading in Judges and came to a line where a man asks, Gideon (the appointed judge at the time) "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders?" It had been only one generation and people couldn't remember what God had done for them. That last part gets me because I know a lot of people wonder where God is in everyday life. I believe there is a GAP in the reality and the memory of so many people walking on this playground called earth. Hearing my grandpa and my dad speak, I was reminded of the wonders that God has done in my family heritage. My grandfather survived on $5 a week, sleeping on the floor of the tiny church he pastored. He had no complaints, he was just following where God led him. Grandpa is retired now after 55+ years pastoring up and down the West Coast. There is one story in my family that always reminds me of God's wonders. One Sunday,my nana gave the last $20 to her name she had, and dropped it in an offering. That day someone stopped by her house and said, "we were driving by and God told us to go get groceries for the people that live in this house." They took my nana out and stocked the cupboards full. If I have learned anything it is to trust God. This past year my fam (wife and 3 kids) and I went 5 months without a job, and every time we needed a miracle God came through, whether it was clothes, finances, or even food. I hope you can look around and see that the wonders of God, happen everyday around you. Don't let there be a generation GAP in seeing the hand of God in life, family, work, or play. If you have seen the wonders of God in your own life, share it with someone today, so the GAP doesn't occur.

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