Thursday, June 11, 2009

Connecting With Leaders

There is one important task that must not be overlooked in leadership. That is the art of conencting with leaders. When you connect with leaders it should be on two levels: business & relational. Let me break that down. About the business: When you are meeting with leaders you should always keep the vision in front of them and intentionally keep them motivated about the vision. Know where you want to end and get there in the time allotted. At the same time you should allow plenty of time for relational conversation to take place. How is life, family, work, what makes them laugh in recent days, and let the talk be about them. I have a friend who recently told me he used to get invited to meet with a ministry leader, and he always started the time together by asking, "Is this about business, or is this about hanging out?" This way he knew where the leader intended to go, and help him get there. If it was about hanging out, my friend would be able to navigate as he was comfortable enough to do. I think there are many ways you can meet with leaders, but the important part is to make the time effective, and not let the person you meet with feel like it is a waste of their valuable time. Challenging leaders is a must, and inspiring vision is too, but don't forget to ask a lot of questions and get other people talking. Sometimes a meeting is about checking the gauges of those around you, and that is important. Connecting with leaders helps you grow, flow, and go. Make it a priority and get in their world when you can.

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