Friday, June 12, 2009

Over Prepared Leaders in Small Groups

Have you ever been in a small group where the "leader" dominates the speaking or small group time? OK, guilty leader I know there are groups all over the country, at least one in every church, where the leader teaches and does not engage the small group participants. I will go on record saying, sometimes there are groups of new Christ followers, that need to be in an environment were that is fostered. However, for a group Christ followers the playing field should be leveled at times. As a leader of a copious small group ministry and a participant in groups over the last 15 years, I find the smoothest groups are one where a leader asks a lot of questions to get people talking. It is not uncommon for one to over-prepare themselves to lead. I think this can come out of a few different mentalities. Here are some common reasons for over-preparedness: a fear of not having enough to keep a group talking; a teaching only environment works; the thought that as a spiritual leader they need to have all the answers and the talking points, insecurities as a leader, a belief that as the leader they should be super prepared, maybe it is because that is all they have ever seen, and finally maybe it is a personality thing.
In building community one will soon realize that as a group grows together the freedom to get others involved and maybe even lead will be recognized. At least it should, and if not the group will eventually dissolve. The best small group materials available offer a thoguht, and then revolve it around some key points with lots of questions. For small group growth to occur, the fostering of leadership and the art of the asking questions need to be learned.
Over-preparedness can be a small group killer. It can cause groups to grow tired, dreadful, lost, and lackluster. Ask lots of right questions and inspire people to respond. It is doesn;t take much, but it does take.

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