Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fresh Eyes and Leadership

"Fresh Eyes" is a term every leader should have in their repetoire. As a leader, I have trained myself to occasionally take a look at things we are doing as a ministry, leadership, and church and get fresh perspective. Last night in our Welcome to ECC class, our Lead Pastor, Dale Oquist, asked those in the class(most of who are new to the church community in recent months) what are things we could do better at, or get rid of; and what do they think we do well in. Perspective is an amazing thing. There were some things I heard that weren't shocking so to speak, and their were a few that I took mental notes on. The best thing is I serve on a leadership team, that is unafraid to ask those very questions. From these discussions we take away perspective from "fresh eyes". This keeps us sharp, moving forward, and evolving as leaders of our ministries and keeps the church fresh. I would tend to say I have a good eye for things needing to be changed, updated, or refreshed. So who are your "fresh eyes" that you are asking to critique you? Two things we established in our time: 1. be honest 2. you are helping us move forward so help us in answering with things that come immediately to your mind. I walked away with appreciation for everyone apart of the conversation. A great reminder that excellent leaders are not afraid to ask the tough questions and fresh eyes are a benfit to have in your community.

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