Friday, July 17, 2009

Living Dangerously

Tonight, I took the girls down to our city's annual summer fair, Lakefair. I had a chance to walk with my 4 year old, and take her on some rides. I made sure Ella held my hand and with all the people around it could be somewhat dangerous letting a little girl run wild down there with such a crowd. As a dad, I always am overprotective of my kids, for obvious reasons. We walked over to the city fountain where all the kids were playing as the weather was still in the 70s at 6pm. Audrey, our youngest danced to the music playing nearby and ran through the fountain a few times. It was a great family night. There was one point where I went on the Ferris Wheel with Ella. We stopped at the top. Now I am not fond of heights, and for the first 10 seconds I was more scared than Ella. Then she kind of took my fear away and started telling me that I would be ok. First, I was like "Phil you need to man up." I breathed, smiled, and thought man I want my kids to not be afraid of life. I would never put them in harm's way, but there will be things that come their way, that may be tough, and when they do i'll be the little voice saying, It's all right, it'll be ok." Tonight my little girl gave me a good little lesson in not being so afraid. After the first few moments the rest of the ride was calm, smooth, and a blast to hang with my little princess.

Birthday Celebration

On my 16th birthday, I was given a surprise party. It wasn't until some 14 years later, that I had another one. 30 was a raving 80's party that was a dress up event that caught me off guard. Yesterday I turned 34, and my birthday celebration was a date with my wife. That is all I wanted, uninterrupted one-on-one conversation with Jenelle. The kids, we had some great friends offer to take them so we could go out. Those type of friends rock, by the way. Over the years I have shied away from big ol' birthday celebrations. For me, I'm a quality time guy and I'd rather hang with some friends and family any old given day rather than be the center of attention for a short window of time(some things change with age I guess). So my birthday celbration was a hot date with my wife to Anthony's restaraunt in Olympia. One of the restaurants we had yet to hit since we had been in Oly. I had precious cards written and colored by 3 wonderful kids and an early mornign phone call from Luke, my 7 year old, as he was in Cali, with Nana & Grandpa on vacation. 34 is the age this year, and I look forward to tackling this year with energy, adventure, and perseverance. The key for me to staying young is to make family a priority, think young, think healthy, and live out my life plan.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Value of a Life Plan

Four years ago I sat down and created a LifePlan. This Life Plan helped me map out areas of my life that needed structure, goals, vision, and action. I found myself in a place where I was aiming at multiple targets and not concentrating on any of them very well. The Life Plan process was simple. I went to a secluded place where any distractions would be void(Oregon Coast on a cliff overlooking the Pacific), turned off my cell phone and began to write. I focused on 7 areas (or accounts) in my life: health, career/church, marriage and family, personal life fulfillment, spiritual life, self development/replenishing, and lifestyle. Over the years this has transformed into a plan that includes 100 dreams, a purpose statement, roles that I desire to lead and live, and a place to keep me accountable to my life plan. This was a great launching point for me to challenge myself through scripture and strategies to live a life that God has designed for me. If you are in a place where you feel like you are in a rut, feeling unmotivated, are not being challenged or accountable to anyone or anything, or are flat out unhappy, I challenge you to find key areas in your life to focus on. Develop a life plan. Build a strategy that will give you a place where you are comfortable with who God made you to be. This is a great tool and I have found it to be rewarding and beneficial as I live out a life of leadership. I trust it can be useful to you too.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The MJ Infatuation

Michael Jackson was a gifted dancer and singer. He brought the music industry to the place it is today. In the American idol, culture crazed society we live in today, I hope you can see what is wrong with the picture we have created for superstars. I heard a guy explain that he spent $1200 to get to LA to be a part of the MJ funeral lottery (which is disturbing) and then spent $700 on new threads to wear to the memorial service. I'm thinking "really?" This guys wasn't even a shoe-in for the service. The only thing this guy knew about MJ was the fact that he was an iconic hero and he wanted to be a part of the circus, the media created. MJ was talented, but over the last 10 years he had turned more into a circus side show, than an entertainer. Somewhere on the road of his life, something went weird with Michael. Maybe it was his lack of a normal childhood, maybe it was the fame and money, Bubbles-the chimp, I'm just saying, something didn't pan out. We are so quick to annoint him, when in reality his life had spiraled down pretty quick. Upon his death, culture mourned, over-covered the event, and talked about it way too long. Yes, our culture has worshipped him for decades. The sad thing is that people are justifying the many things wrong with the picture because of his talent. Our culture does this with many people that have this pop culture following. We give them an excuse and a pass when they do wrong, because of status. The sad thing is that neither MJ, nor any other celeb is going to save us, or bring us into some unknown reality of a life we live in. I watched some of the over-exposed coverage and I think people are looking for a Savior. People will have to realize that a Savior will come, but it will not be one who is flawed.